Always Consult The Lord On Ideas and Plans!

Always Consult The Lord On Ideas and Plans!

As Christians, we should never make plans or discuss them without involving God in the process.

We have heard the phrase, ‘The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry’. Something can crop up that we hadn’t taken account of, or even been aware of. So it is imperative to put the Lord first and walk in His will and plan for our lives.

God wants to be involved in every part of our lives and as our confidant, we should seek His will about plans we are considering; especially when we may be anxious about the way ahead.

Although our Lord knows the thoughts and intentions of every heart, we are co-labourers with Christ, and as such, we should follow in his footsteps as he leads us in the plan and purposes He has for us.

When it comes to planning, whatever the situation, Psalm 37:5 is clear “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass”. In the New Testament we read in John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me”.

There is a very real sense that seeking God is more to do with delighting ourselves in Him and seeking his face, and not just seeking the right answers to guide our footsteps.

Here is an insightful article on this very topictopics

Scripture tells us that if we seek the Kingdom of God first, then all the things we need will be given to us. When we place God first in life, we see him working through circumstances and events for the good. Whether you are just beginning to seek God or you have been a Christian for many years, we should never stop seeking to know God better!


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