Change You Can Believe In!

Change You Can Believe In!

The world is in a state of continual flux and change can happen in the blink of an eye.  Change can often take us by surprise, or whether by foresight or intuition, we know things are going to change.

Some change can be for the better – like a new job, a new house, the arrival of a new baby to coming into an inheritance.  Change can also be good as we grow in faith and character, and entrust and commit our lives to Christ.

Whether you are a new Christian or a veteran of the faith, God can work change for our good.  When we look back over our lives we can see the benefit of what God did for us.  Satan loves to promote the wrong kind of change.  Perhaps this is the reason why it is often said, ‘be careful, what you wish for’.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter affects change in our environment.  As we observe now, we are enjoying beautiful sunny days.  In the not too distant future, we will have autumn and winter where everything will change again.

Consider how our world has changed since the advent of lockdown.  COVID-19 has wrought a great change in our nation.  It has cost the lives of many people including BAME people, elderly people and those with underlying illnesses.  Sadly, many working in the NHS and care sector have fallen victim to this awful disease.  We are now coming out of lockdown, with businesses up and running again.  However, the government will have to proceed carefully and cautiously.  The ‘R’ number for the virus may be going down but that certainly doesn’t mean it has gone away.  On the brighter side, nature has benefited from lockdown, many people have become kinder and the NHS and other key workers have become more appreciated.

The killing of George Floyd and the protests well known by the slogan, ‘Black Lives Matter’, have rightly brought to our attention the issue of racism and the historical problem and evil of slavery.  Some believe that statues linked to slavery should be removed, and famous footballers have taken the knee in support of ‘Black Lives Matter’.  There have been counter-BLM protests by the far-right, and the campaign of ‘Black Lives Matter’ has divided people in the UK (and the world) just like Brexit.

The writer of the book of Hebrews in the New Testament tells us that ‘Christ is the same, ‘yesterday today and forever’.  Jesus also reminded us that, ‘The worries of today are enough for themselves, and tomorrow will take care of itself’.  These are wise words from our Lord to help us cope with change and put our minds at ease.  The world may be experiencing great flux, change and even chaos, however, we must remember God’s faithfulness and He is unchanging,  He is there for us whatever we or the world is going through.  And that is His promise.

Here are some reassuring words of scripture that help us to realise that despite whatever change may bring, our Heavenly Father is the rock we can rely on:

Ecclesiastes 3:1 “For everything, there is a season, under heaven”.

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”.

1 Corinthians 15:51 “Behold! I tell you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all change”.

God bless you.

Nick x.


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