Health and The Christian.
by Nick Bishop
Christians recognise that our bodies and health are not our own. When we face illness or infirmity, it can be a time of great trial and uncertainty. However, the Bible offers us hope, wisdom, and comfort in navigating these challenging seasons of life.
The scriptures clearly state sickness and disease are a consequence of the brokenness that entered our world through sin. In Genesis 3, we read how sin corrupted God’s perefect creation, bringing pain, suffering, and death into the human experience. Yet, even in our fallen state, the Lord remains faithful and compassionate towards those who are unwell.
The Psalmist writes, “The Lord sustains him on his sickbed, in his illness you restore him” (Psalm 41:3). This reminds us that while illness may afflict our bodies, God is the ultimate healer who can renew and restore us. The Book of James enocourages the sick ‘to call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them in with oil in the name of the Lord’ (Jame 5:14,demonstrating the importance of the community and seeing divine intervention for our physical needs.
Moreover, the life and ministry of Jesus Christ powerfully illustrates God’s heart to heal and redeem. Time and again, we see Jesus extending compassion to the sick, the lame, and thed diseased, often restoring them to full health (Matt. 4:23:24, Luke 5:12-15, John 5-1-19). In doing so, He demonstrates that physical wholness is part of the abundant life he desires for His people.
While not all illness results in miraculous healing in this life, we can find hope and strength in the promise that one day, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anynore, for the former things have passed away”(Rev. 21:4). Until that day, we can hold fast to the truth that our suffering is not without purpose, and that God uses even our darkest trials to shape us and draw us closer to Him.
So, to my fellow believers who are navigating the challenges of illness (inckuding, myself), take heart. Lean on the Lord, who is close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Pslam 34:18). Trust in His perfect plan, even when it is hard to understand, May you find, peace, comfort, and healing in the unfailing love of our Heavenly Father.
God bless you.
Nick x.
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