Britain: A Nation At Odds With Itself.
by Nick Bishop
Back in the 1980s, a band called Genesis released a song called, ‘Land of Confusion’, describing 1980s Britain. Those words, written about the UK nearly four decades ago, could easily describe our country today.
With Brexit, there is much misinformation out in the public domain. Is it the remainers or the leavers who are right? Since the vote of June 2016 when 52% voted to leave the EU as opposed to 48% wanting to stay, the Brexit process has rocked the nation in ways not seen for centuries, Few seem to know how to plan the effects of Brexit whether they are private companies or government and there seems to be a palpable malaise among so many people who are tired of politics, disillusioned with those who govern and confused by the tide of fake stories and differences of opinion that scream for our attention.
Is the voice of the older generation more competent and understanding of the way ahead than people today? Technology was supposed to help us communicate more efficiently, but now the backdoor of misinformation and the thousands of voices broadcasting fake news drown out what may be true information and reports.
Are cutbacks to blame for our deteriorating public services? Again, one could speculate on reasons why, but whether you visit your GP, hospital, council/government services etc, there really does seem to be a general standard of decline in our standard of living. The numbers of children living in poverty are rising in an alarming manner, not to mention the burden on children’s services, food banks, and the latest charitable service set up and run by volunteers – baby banks.
The UK was and still is, to a certain degree, a great power, however, history records as does the Bible, that nation’s rise and fall. Is the moral, spiritual and financial decline in our society, a sign of this?
Since the end of WWII, the UK has slowly been eclipsed by the US, as a world power. The UK lost its empire, the largest the world has ever known, and many believe that Brexit could be the final nail in the coffin.
Rome was a prime example of military and economic power that had its day in the sun. Then through various causes, it declined and fell in spectacular fashion. The template of Rome’s rise and fall is probably the blueprint for all nations, including our own.
Satan, the father of lies, loves confusion, and in such an environment as we have discussed above, he thrives. As Christians, it is our responsibility to carry the light into a dark and dim world, to lead people out of confusion, and to bring them to the truth of Jesus Christ, and his message of love.
Finally, here are some Bible verses that bring clarity to confusion:
Psalm 119:169, “Let me come before you, o Lord; give me understanding to your will”.
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow”.
James 3:16 “For where jealousy and selfish ambitions exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice”.
God bless you xxx.
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