Panic in The Human Herd.
by Nick Bishop
Back in the 1980s, a pop group called The Smiths wrote a song called ‘Panic’. They were highlighting the fear that was so prevalent in society throughout the UK, almost four decades ago. Today, technology may have dramatically changed, but the fragility and fearful disposition of people has not.
The human species is prone to panic. According to science, we are herding creatures. With that in mind, like other herding creatures on our planet, comes the ‘fight or flight’ mechanism. This often is accompanied in humans with palpitations, sweaty palms, freezing on the spot, etc.
With modern life come modern fears, such as losing your job, business, health, family breakdowns, homelessness, material poverty, etc. Some of the dangers may have changed down the ages, but the human epidemic of fear and panic remains the same.
Some panic is based on real threats, while others are driven by rumour and gossip. Gossip in any environment can spread at the drop of a hat, as some gossipmongers so aptly demonstrate in this modern age of email and text communication and the readily available services of Social Media.
Consider how the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has spread panic among the world population. Of course, we need to be cautious, as Covid-19 is a real and dangerous threat. However, if we take the correct precautions as advised on the NHS website and Government press releases, people will have the best chance of staying safe from infection. Sadly, some media relish in sensationalising the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes them no better than the tabloids, fueling the madness and panic we currently see.
Satan often ‘has a field day’ when he leaks misinformation and half-truths. This has been evident with the Covid-19 virus, as people panic buy and empty the supermarket shelves. The devil has always been the father of lies and thrives on negativity and fear that paralyse so many.
So how should Christians respond to anxiety and panic that has ensued with the arrival of Covid-19? We have the power of prayer to keep Satan and his fiery darts at bay.
The Lord will strengthen us through our meditations, to mentally, physically and spiritually fortify us. Also, by demonstrating kindness and good works in service toward others, we can allay peoples fears and make difficult situations more bearable and less alarming.
Let us practice the meditation of scripture and act upon the truth of God’s word. May we respond with love, patience and peace as we confidently place our trust in God.
John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives as I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid”.
1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all anxieties on him, because he cares for you”.
Hebrews 13. 5 – 6 Keep your life free from money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do to me”.
God bless you xxx.
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