Spiritual fitness: A must!

Spiritual fitness: A must!

In the previous blog, I wrote at length about how having a good physical health-life balance was Godly, in terms of what we eat, drink and how much exercise we do. The emphasis was on health being balanced with a spiritual life, which should come before the needs of the body.

In the fast-paced world, we live in, leisure time is a luxury much sought after and there are many demands on people today that create stress in our lives. For a Christian, part of our leisure time should be spending time with God and seeking his will for our life. He is the anchor in the ocean of life and spending time with Him will help us become the spiritual beings he intended us to be.

As we look at the demands Jesus faced during his sojourn on earth, we can see he is our role model. Whether it be with his inner circle of disciples or those he met every day, people were always making demands of him. This only increased as he went about preaching and performing miracles in different places. Yet despite such a busy and challenging life, Jesus made time to fellowship with God and seek His counsel on all matters.

Christians though part of the world, are not of it and having a healthy spiritual life will help them focus on what is important in life.

Day to day priorities are important but our relationship with God is a higher priority. Seeking first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness is the key to a healthy life. Having a deep, mindful, secure and spiritual life with our creator will also make us shine and people will notice this, then we may truly be beacons of light to those who neglect their spiritual life.


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