The Persecuted Christian: Increasingly in the West and Harsher Persecution Abroad.
by Nick Bishop
Being a Christian and declaring one’s faith is not easy nowadays. Even the Western world, once known for ‘Christendom’, has been seriously challenged with the advent of other faiths, including secularism and humanism.
However, despite the growth of Islam, Christianity remains the largest faith in the world and it’s still growing exponentially, despite all kinds of persecution. The gospel of Christ is still winning many disciples in some of the most severely persecuted countries in the world, with thousands of converts in Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, and more. Jesus taught that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church and that his followers would do great exploits in his name and lead many many souls to him.
Though the church continues to grow, we should not be surprised as Jesus taught, that his followers, would be persecuted for his name’s sake. According to the charity, Open Doors, North Korea and Afghanistan are some of the worst places in the world for persecution. Other countries like Burkina Faso, China, and Indonesia are not far behind. In total, more than 260 million Christians suffer one form of persecution or another, with a further 50 million Christians being persecuted in 23 countries.
Sadly, the persecution of Christians is getting worse throughout the world. To date this year, 9,488 churches have been attacked compared to the previous year of 1,847. Open Doors has stated that whenever the Gospel is spread, there is a spike in persecution. Though shocking, it should not be surprising. Satan knows his time is short and he will use oppressive regimes, (whatever their political or religious ideology), to stifle the word of God. But thanks be to God through Jesus Christ – God already has the victory through Christ’s death and resurrection! Satan will be vanquished when Christ returns, and the devil knows this.
There are places in the world where Christian persecution has slightly declined. Since the defeat of the Islamic State, Christians have returned to rebuild their lives and communities in Iraq and Syria. In Sudan, since the overthrow of the Islamic dictatorship, Christians have also returned and they are reportedly flourishing, and Kenya has seen Christians once more proclaiming the Gospel.
Christians are also facing increasing opposition in the Western world. Materialism, secularism, and humanistic values undermine the message of the gospel of Christ. Therefore, we must be steadfast and be strong in our faith. It is one thing to call ourselves Christians in the UK, where at least we are still free to worship. In other lands, (as mentioned in this article), such a proclamation is literally a matter of life and death.
So what can we do to help our brothers and sisters? We can launch and be involved in sponsored and fundraising events. We can also donate to the work of worthy charities like Open Doors, Christian Aid, or Tear Fund, among others. And importantly, we can pray and hold vigils for our brothers and sisters so that they are free to worship and spread God’s word in peace and security.
So let us take heart in God’s promises, for he knows all things and He will never forsake His children:
2 Tim 3:12: “Indeed, all who have, desire to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”.
John 15:18: “If the world hates you know that it hated me before it hated you”.
1 John 3:13: “Do not be surprised brothers, that the world hates you”.
Matt 10.22: “And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. The one who endures to the end will be saved”.
God bless you,
Nick x.
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