What Are You Waiting For?
by Nick Bishop
Waiting is part of life. Whatever you are waiting for, waiting can be a valuable thing if it teaches us patience, forbearance and perhaps, even tolerance. Equally, it can make us impatient, angry, anxious and depressed.
Sometimes when we finally get what we want, it doesn’t always live up to what we expected, or we get so fed up waiting that in the end, we don’t care any more.
As an expectant parent, waiting can bring excitement. Then when the child arrives, we experience the miraculous joy of seeing our little one come into the world.
Waiting can also bring a surprise. For example, our birthday may bring us something unexpected.
Sometimes we wait for the right person to come into our lives. All may begin well, thinking we have found our soul mate. Then for one reason or another, the relationship ends and we end up disappointed. For many, their patience is rewarded when they finally discover the kind of soul mate and characteristics they are attracted to. So waiting can be a double-edged sword. It may bring joy, satisfaction and happiness. Equally, waiting can bring disappointment and disillusionment.
The Jewish people at the time of the Roman occupation were waiting for the promised Messiah. They expected a military genius, who would free them from the Romans and restore them to independence. However, Jesus was none of those above things. Yes, Jesus was indeed the promised one, but his role on earth was certainly not violent. The Jews failed to understand that Christ didn’t just come for them, but for all humankind. However, the door is not shut to them to experience the salvation, peace and eternal life he offers, just as the door is not shut to us if we acknowledge him as our Saviour, helper, confidant, close friend and God.
As disciples of Christ, we are encouraged to develop a patient and understanding mind. Look how long Christians from generation to generation have been waiting for the return of Jesus. Since Jesus ascended, generations of Christians have come and gone. Yet one day, he will return. Given the happenings in the world right now we may be that generation where the waiting for his second coming will be over.
Then our planet will undergo renewal for the better. It will be a day when redeemed humans regardless of race, class, nationality, faith, etc, truly will live as one. It will be a place where Jesus himself will be the leader and mighty counsellor to his people. The former things like suffering will be over and we will live under his protection forever. Satan himself will be dealt with once and for all. This will be a utopia in the true meaning of the word. Predator and prey will be as one, where the lion will lie down with the lamb.
Here are a few scriptures that speak about waiting and hope in the Lord:
Psalm 25:21 “May integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for you”.
Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”.
Psalm 69:3 “I am weary with my crying out, my throat is parched, My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God”.
God bless you.
Nick x.
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