Anxiety: The Demon of Real or Imagined Fears.
by Nick Bishop
Many of us will have entertained some form of anxiety in our lives. Unfortunately, it is part of the human condition to be nervous about things and probably part of the human reaction of fight or flight. All species, including our own, will be triggered by something which can allow anxities to form. Many fears are irrational in nature, and we often fear things that may not happen.
In ancient times when humans lived wild, much like other species, anxiety would result from the fear of wild animals or where were we going to find food from. Tribes today are still living in near stone age-like conditions will have similar fears to our ancient ancestors.
Modern life itself has created a flurry of anxiety and other mental health issues. What are we afraid of in today’s modern world? Well, for people on lower incomes or benefits or both, it is paying the bills, putting food on the table and clothing for our kids and ourselves. It can be our work, marriage, friendships, family, paying the mortage/rent, keeping a vehicle on the road, health, and so much more besides.
Electronic devices like our laptops and i-phones/androids and their contents create anxiety. Some have become like Borgs from Star Trek! It seems these devices have become part of our social being. We cannot live without them and we panic if they are not to hand. Social media can be helpful but it can also cause a lot of stress. Genrerally, in the modern world there is a pandemic of anxiety and other froms of mental illness. I suffer myself from anxiety and depression and if it wasn’t for my faith, I don’t know where I’d be.
Many still do not accept the concept of mental illness. Even though the evidence for it is overwhelming. With all due respect and love, those who say you are pretending, pull your finger out, pull yourself together, are ignorant or simply do not care. I have had such things said to myelf and it is not helpful. It is possible some of those people saying such things may not mean anything harmful, and they do not realize in tryng to be helpful they are doing anything or saying anything negative.
Loneliness creates anxiety particularly when work and kids come into the picture. When couples first meet it is unicorns and rainbows. But when children come along and other distractions like family, work, education, and social media come along it can create strains in that relationship from one member or the other. This is why couples if they get the time, must communicate, their worries. Also, come before God both individually and as a couple. The Lord tells us to petition him about anything and the above is no exception.
Financies are another thing which creates anxiety. We are implored by society that we have to have this house, car, income, spouse, job, etc. Until we get to the part of our lives where we must keep up appearances to our neighbours, friends, family, work/education colleagues and yes, even our fellow churchgoers.
If you are suffering from anixety and it is disturbing your sleep, seek help from your GP, social worker, friends, charities, your pastor, etc. Help is out there and most importantly if you are a Christian and even if you are not, give those worries to God. Answers both in the physical and spiritual realm will be forthcoming.
Jesus Himself, even though, He was God incarnate, faced the fears of a man. He knew people were out to kill him. Look at Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane where his anxieties were made known to God his Father. The enormity of what he was going to suffer was made very real. Even though Christ was both divine and human, Christ’s human fears were made manifest. He even asked his diciples if they could comfort him. Consider his terrible beatings and cruel torture, kangaroo court trials before Herod and Pontius Pilate, execution and death on the cross, so God knows full-well our lot on earth. And while, he never said we would not have trials and worries, he said, he would be with us in those times.
Jesus through his resurrection and ascension has shown us that he overcame the world. He has shown us that there is life and a restful life beyond this one with him forever.
Finally, here is some reassuring scripture:
Phillippians 4: 6 – 7: “Be anixous for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, which surpasses all understanding, this guards your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ”.
God bless you,
Nick x.
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